Friday Fill-Ins #139

1. He was a squirrelfan.

2. Starting a new university year with new books, new courses, new colleagues and new social life is what I look forward to most this time of year.

3. My best friend is nonexistent, I am more the type of having a few close friends than one best.

4. I want to be in a world where you can expect people to be honest with you and be rightfully angry if they're not.

5. Appearances can be revealing or unrevealing, deceptive or undeceptive - there are no rules and that is great!

6. The last person I gave a hug to was my dad, when he picked me up at the airport.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to finish watching the webcomedy MerriMe on TheFriskey, tomorrow my plans include finish packing my suitcase, go lastminute shopping and get on the plane to Southern France and Sunday, I want to see my grandparents!


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Constantly changing places is inherent to my life. Books have always been steady friends which I could bump into wherever I was all over the world.
Stumbling upon Kaminer's German stories of "Die Reise nach Trulala" in Reykjavík's city library is as moving as meeting the Icelandic sagas in Boston's Borders.
To see a book again, that I've read thousands of kilometers away makes me smile "Hey I know you.." and shake hands by thumbing through it for a while.